Thursday, January 2, 2020
How I Reflect My Academic Writing History - 950 Words
Task 1. When I reflect on my academic writing history, I can vividly remember the name of the people that shape my attitude, belief or emotion about writing. It all began, when I was in 6th grade. My teacher at the time, Mrs Postma, would gave us spelling quiz on Fridays. At first, I hated it so much because for one, I just came straight from Togo, and secondly, I’m just starting to learn English words. The words she would quiz us on are words that we had spent the week learning. Sometimes, she would give us hints on difficult words, but still I was struggling to understand those hints. We did this twice in every month for the entire year. At the end of the school year, my view on these vocabularies changed. I enjoyed the quizzes and began speaking fluently in English by the end of the year. A couple years later, I started high school and during my freshman year, my teacher, Mrs. Sisco would have us turn in a book report every week. She would challenge us and she grades hard; it is not easy to get an A in her class. Because of this, I always work hard to write well so that I could get A, but I never seem to get it until the second semester of my freshman year. Mrs. Sisco is one of those teachers that shape my attitude on writing. She did not let me get A with anything I turned in. Although I’m not best at writing yet, I know I would not be where I am in writing today without her critics, challenges and of course the help of God. Task 2: Looking back at my life and theShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : My Senior Project Helped Me At Nazareth, Inclusive Education Majors798 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience I had during my senior project helped me to confirm that I wanted to go to Nazareth College to pursue a career in elementary education. At Nazareth, inclusive-education majors are required to choose a second major as their concentration. For this second major, I chose history. 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