Sunday, March 22, 2020
United States House of Representatives
Introduction In comparing and contrasting two house of representative members in the state of Pennsylvania, there are two members whose contributions to their respective districts and to the state are significant. Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly have the experience to work with people across all age groups and gender.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on United States House of Representatives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, they strive to improve economic growth through formulation of policies and implementation of programs to this regard. They have developed various approaches in their service to the people. Like their counterparts in the House of Representatives, they have experiences and their share of criticism. But, that has not deterred their commitment to serve the people of Pennsylvania. Personal backgrounds and Districts Mike Kelly is the U.S representat ive for Pennsylvania’s third District. Mike is sixty three years old, a former Butler City Council member. He attended University of Notre Dame on a football scholarship but left because of injury (Cabalena). A car dealer by profession, he is a newcomer elected on the republican platform. Kelly Mike committees’ projects include Education and the Workforce, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government Reform. Thompson Glen, who is fifty two years old, is also a republican representing the fifth district in his second term in office. Thompson attended both Pennsylvania State University and Temple University. Thompson Glen is involved with Agriculture, Education and the Workforce, and the Natural Resources committee (Cabalena). Thompson Glen has the reputation of a hardworking representative and a down-to-earth lawmaker. Thompson represents the largest district in Pennsylvania, the 5th Congressional District. As noted in Centre For Responsive Politics, it h as a population of 646,397 where 96.5% of this are whites, 1.1% are Asian 0.8%, Hispanic 1.3% Black and 0.2% are Native Americans (Centre For Responsive Politics). Its Median income is $33,254.In 2010, Thompson won the elections gaining 125,740 votes 68.6 % of the total 182,972 votes. His victory is attributed to the grassroots campaigns. On the other hand, Mike is a newcomer as the 3rd district representative which has a population of 646,311. This represented as 94.4% are white, 0.5% are Asian, 3.5% Black, 1.3% Hispanic, 0.1% are Native Americans and 0.1% others. Its Median income is $35,884. Mike gained 109,909 votes which was 55.7% of all votes against Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper in the 2010 elections (Politicians and Elections).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The 3rd district has an approximately 88% high school graduates, while for Bachelor’s degree or higher gradua tes range around 26% as the 5th district high school drops – out is around 15% making graduates range at around 85%, for Bachelor’s degree is around 19% (Centre For Responsive Politics). Legislation and Responsibilities Mike has sponsored these legislation among others: State and Local Funding Flexibility Act, Empowering Parents through Quality Charter Schools Act, Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act, Family Health Care Accessibility Act of 2011, Congressional Retirement Age Act of 2011, Congressional Retirement Age Act of 2011, Referred to House committee, House Committee on Energy and Commerce. While Thompson sponsored bills like Educating Entrepreneurs through Today’s Technology Act, Tax Relief Certainty Act, Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act, Amendment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to modify special rules relating to coverage of abortion services under such Act. Unlike Mike Kelly who is a newcomer, Thompson Glen won his second two-year term with 68 percent of the vote. In his first term he voted 93percent with his republican party but he voted with Democrats on several issues, like children’s health insurance reauthorization, federally funded community service and volunteer programs. This has brought criticism on him from his party members. With his background as a therapist, he believes health care should be expanded for veterans and service members. He proposed an amendment on health policy to aid medical providers to provide and treat patients using the telephone and the internet. According to the Centre For Responsive Politics, Mike Kelly is serving in his first term. He is a strong advocate of government, cutting cost on its spending by removing duplicate programs, which are not necessary. In doing so, the committee on Government Oversight and Government Reform Committee which he serves on have not been spared from criticism (Centre For Responsive Politics). His background as a businessman plays a major role in his contributions in the lower chamber to advocate for practical ways of budgeting in an effort to reduce taxpayers’ burden. Although most newcomers to the political arena are assigned to serve in two committees, he serves in three of them. In comparing and contrasting the roles of these two representatives, it is important to identify theirAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on United States House of Representatives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Values, and beliefs on different issues that include education, job creation, trade, natural resources and government spending. In addition, they have the duty to understand the roles they play to represent the people of Pennsylvania in the representative committees they serve in. Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly on Issues Both have had a lot of experiences working with youth in the Pennsylvania state despite, their ages in the attempt to reach out to all their constituents. Thompson’s appointment to the House Committee on Education and Workforce in 2008 was as a result of his experience to work with young people. Previously, he served as a member of the Bald Eagle Area School Board as well as a past vice-chair of the private industry council of the Central Corridor, a volunteer fire fighter and as a scoutmaster. As noted by US Census Bureau, Thompson has been at the forefront advocating for students’ education as a future investment (US Census Bureau). He serves on the Higher Education committee and a vigorous supporter of inclusive education that advocates the pursuit for both science and arts. In the lower chamber he has been aggressively advocating for a sustainable economic growth and job creation (US Census Bureau). Therefore, the nation should focus on retooling the education system towards a positiv e transition to the workforce. Thompson also supports school voucher system that allows parents or guardians to send their children to any schools. Thompson, like Kelly, believes that the federal government has a significant role to play in not only policies but also public education funding and other program. U.S. Representative Mike Kelly is also very vocal on the importance of education for all including funding both urban and rural school districts. His funding formula by the federal government which should be inclusive, away from the current structures that advocate funding for largest school districts and instead, redirect resources to smaller urban and rural district schools to improve education, especially, for disadvantaged students. Job Creation and Trade As a businessman, Kelly’s concerns on cutting jobs are justified. Trade polices should impact positively on the ability for American businessmen to compete in the global  market with other international trading partners. According to Centre For Responsive Politics, Mike Kelly as the vice-Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, is mandated to spearhead policy formulation (Centre For Responsive Politics). These include focusing on trade and security-related policies that impact on U.S. and the region including the Asia-Pacific region.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It includes the enforcement of good global partnership. In the efforts to advance stability and security throughout the region, there is greater access, meaning job creation and increased exports. They both attempt to overcome economic challenges that throughout history have been contributing factors that have continued to compromise the nation’s future. This is through formulation of policies and programs that encourage job creation a major factor to economical growth. Natural Resources According to both Thompson and Kelly, improving existing natural resources an important feature. Simply, because in Pennsylvania has a history with management and conservation of its natural resources, which is a crucial aspect to its growth. These natural resources include the Allegheny National Forest; Pennsylvania’s only national forest, the Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play and agriculture (Pennsylvania Politics). Although Kelly has voted with his Republican party on many issues on energy and agriculture, they have proved productive and to the advantage of his own state. Although, they both serve in different committees they share a sense of commitment to serve the state of Pennsylvania, and have been very vocal on issues in the lower chamber. According to US Census Bureau Congressman Thompson has over three decades of experience as a community leader this has been instrumental in his contribution to the agriculture committee which Pennsylvania is very significant to the rural industry. Its jurisdiction is over agriculture-related fields that include forestry, resource and water conservation, agriculture and nutrition (US Census Bureau). Pennsylvania has a long history with the timber industry; therefore, need to identify proper timber harvesting mechanisms that recognize water and resource conservation. Glen’s office has been instrumental in obtaining loa ns and grants for the community by working with the constituents, community based organizations and the local governments. He believes in supporting appropriate legislation which is responsible for the expansion of alternative and renewable forms of energy, increase conservation to increase energy efficiency and supply as a way of saving the consumer both money energy. On the contrary, Kelly believes the solution to the energy dependence is for congress to put in place policies that encourage the development of natural gas and coal. Another way is also to concentrate on emerging industries, like the shale industry to provide affordable energy to all citizens. Government spending Most freshmen Congressmen assignments to committees involve serving on the third committee of Government Oversight and Government Reform Committee. They have strong belief in the need for the government to reduce spending. This committee has been ac cused of duplicating programs that contribute to wasting taxpayers’ money, who are already overstretched. In reversing the accumulated staggering national debt, the United States good business sense is required. To create employment, a conducive entrepreneur’s environment is necessary. Glen’s approach is to give every opportunity for effective and healthy competition in the work. Contributors and the Role of the Media The top contributors in Mike Kelly’s campaign include Honey International, National Community Action Foundation, Alpha Natural Resources, and Automotive Free International Trade PAC. Glen Thompson’s received 68 percent ($165,403) of his contributions from individuals; PAC contributed 32 percent amounting to $78,600. Pennsylvania Politics notes that the media is an integral part of the electoral process. Social media are interactive reaching to more constitute (Pennsylvania Politics). Simply because they are friend- driven, emails, blogs, tweets, and digital public spaces are powerful means of obtaining public opinions. Mike Kelly and Thompson Glen recognized that during their respective campaigns is effective in connecting with the voters. Both Glen and Thompson’s campaigners used social network not only to fund raise but train volunteers (Pennsylvania Politics). Conclusion Thompson Glen and Mike Kelly, as representatives of the state of Pennsylvania, play major roles in the lower chamber. It is not only in their voting patterns but their strong belief and opinion that is evident in their proactive approaches in addressing positive change that impact economical growth in the entire nation. Both congressmen acknowledge that for sustainable growth and relevance of the policies; accountability and flexibility are key factors. They only differ in their respective approaches on issues in their respective responsibilies. Their past involvement with the community makes b oth Kelly and Glen to easily relate more to the importance issues affecting ordinary citizens. Works Cited Cabalena Juan. Information on Representative Mike Kelly of Congressional District September, 2011. 27th September, 2011 Centre For Responsive Politics. Get Local. 2011. Web. Pennsylvania Politics. Pennsylvania Politics National News, Statehouse Updates Elections Coverage.2011.Web. Politicians and Elections. 112th Congress Legislation. 2011. Web. US Census Bureau. State County Quick Facts. 2011. Web. September, 2011 This essay on United States House of Representatives was written and submitted by user Audrianna G. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Corwin Amendment, Slavery, and Abraham Lincoln
The Corwin Amendment, Slavery, and Abraham Lincoln The Corwin Amendment, also called the â€Å"Slavery Amendment,†was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time. Considering it a last-ditch effort to prevent the looming Civil War, supporters of the Corwin Amendment hoped it would prevent the southern states that had not already done so from seceding from the Union. Ironically, Abraham Lincoln did not oppose the measure. The Text of the Corwin Amendment The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states: â€Å"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.†In referring to slavery as â€Å"domestic institutions†and â€Å"persons held to labor or service,†rather than by the specific word â€Å"slavery,†the amendment reflects wording in the draft of the Constitution considered by delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which referred to slaves as â€Å"Person held to Service. Legislative History of the Corwin Amendment When Republican Abraham Lincoln, who had opposed the expansion of slavery during the campaign, was elected president in 1860, the slaveholding southern states started withdrawing from the Union. During the 16 weeks between Lincoln’s election on November 6, 1860, and his inauguration on March 4, 1861, seven states, led by South Carolina, seceded and formed the independent Confederate States of America. While still in office until Lincoln’s inauguration, Democratic President James Buchanan declared secession to be a constitutional crisis and asked Congress to come up with a way to reassure the southern states that the incoming Republican administration under Lincoln would not outlaw slavery. Specifically, Buchanan asked Congress for an â€Å"explanatory amendment†to the Constitution that would clearly confirm the right of the states to allow slavery. A three-member committee of the House of Representatives headed by Rep. Thomas Corwin of Ohio got to work on the task. After considering and rejecting 57 draft resolutions introduced by a host of Representatives, the House approved Corwins version of the slavery-protecting amendment on February 28, 1861, by a vote of 133 to 65. The Senate passed the resolution on March 2, 1861, by a vote of 24 to 12. Since proposed constitutional amendments require a two-thirds supermajority vote for passage, 132 votes were required in the House and 24 votes in the Senate. Having already announced their intent to secede from the Union, representatives of the seven slave states refused to vote on the resolution. Presidential Reaction to the Corwin Amendment Out-going President James Buchanan took the unprecedented and unnecessary step of signing the Corwin Amendment resolution. While the president has no formal role in the constitutional amendment process, and his or her signature is not required on joint resolutions as it is on most bills passed by Congress, Buchanan felt his action would show his support for the amendment and help convince the southern states to ratify it. While philosophically opposed to slavery itself, President-elect Abraham Lincoln, still hoping to avert war, did not object to the Corwin Amendment. Stopping short of actually endorsing it, Lincoln, in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, said of the amendment: â€Å"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution- which amendment, however, I have not seen- has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service ... holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.†Just weeks before the outbreak of the Civil War, Lincoln transmitted the proposed amendment to the governors of each state along with a letter noting that former-President Buchanan had signed it. Why Lincoln Did Not Oppose the Corwin Amendment As a member of the Whig Party, Rep. Corwin had crafted his amendment to reflect his party’s opinion that the Constitution did not grant the U.S. Congress the power to interfere with slavery in the states where it already existed. Known at the time as the â€Å"Federal Consensus,†this opinion was shared by both proslavery radicals and anti-slavery abolitionists. Like most Republicans, Abraham Lincoln (a former Whig himself) agreed that in most circumstances, the federal government lacked the power to abolish slavery in a state. In fact, Lincoln’s 1860 Republican Party platform had endorsed this doctrine. In a famous 1862 letter to Horace Greeley, Lincoln explained the reasons for his action and his long-held feelings on slavery and equality. â€Å"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.â€Å"I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free.†Corwin Amendment Ratification Process The Corwin Amendment resolution called for the amendment to be submitted to the state legislatures and to be made a part of the Constitution â€Å"when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures.†In addition, the resolution placed no time limit on the ratification process. As a result, the state legislatures could still vote on its ratification today. In fact, as recently as 1963, over a century after it was submitted to the states, the legislature of Texas considered, but never voted on a resolution to ratify the Corwin Amendment. The Texas legislature’s action was considered a statement in support of states’ rights, rather than slavery. As it stands today, only three states (Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Illinois) have ratified the Corwin Amendment. While the states of Ohio and Maryland initially ratified it in 1861 and 1862 respectively, they subsequently rescinded their actions in 1864 and 2014. Interestingly, had it been ratified before the end of the Civil War and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, the Corwin Amendment protecting slavery would have become the 13th Amendment, instead of the existing 13th Amendment that abolished it. Why the Corwin Amendment Failed In the tragic end, the Corwin Amendment’s promise to protect slavery neither persuaded the southern states to remain in the Union or to prevent the Civil War. The reason for the amendment’s failure can be attributed to the simple fact that the South did not trust the North. Lacking the constitutional power to abolish slavery in the South, northern antislavery politicians had for years employed other means to weaken slavery, including banning slavery in the Western territories, refusing to admit new slave-holding states to the Union, banning slavery in Washington, D.C., and, similarly to today’s sanctuary city laws, protecting fugitive slaves from extradition back to the South. For this reason, southerners had come to place little value in the federal government’s vows not to abolish slavery in their states and so considered the Corwin Amendment to be little more than another promise waiting to be broken.  Key Takeaways The Corwin Amendment was a proposed amendment to the Constitution passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification in 1861.Had it been ratified, the Corwin Amendment would have prohibited the federal government from abolishing slavery in the states where it existed at the time.The amendment was conceived by outgoing President James Buchannan as a way to prevent war.While not technically endorsing the Corwin Amendment, President Abraham Lincoln did not oppose it.Only the states of Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Illinois have ratified the Corwin Amendment.The Corwin Amendment’s promise to protect slavery failed to keep the southern states from seceding from the Union or to prevent the Civil War. Sources Text of Lincoln’s first inaugural address, Bartleby.comCollected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler et al.Constitutional Amendments Not Ratified. United States House of Representatives.Samuel Eliot Morison (1965). The Oxford History of the American People. Oxford University Press.Walter, Michael (2003). Ghost Amendment: The Thirteenth Amendment That Never WasJos. R. Long, Tinkering with the Constitution, Yale Law Journal, vol. 24, no. 7, May 1915
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