Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Ideologies Of His Works Essay - 1551 Words
The Ideologies in His Works Prague was exposed to Jewish learning and writing during the 1900s, until the social and political turmoil of the collapsing Austrian Empire. The collapse led Prague to be under Czechoslovakia, who led Prague to be dictated by Nazi, Germany. Prague was later overtaken by communists ,who seized power and brought harsh repression and decline to Prague. Kafka’s lack of confidence and fear caused him to not voice his ideologies on the Slavic culture, Jewish existence, and bureaucratic system ; however, he still managed to mirror his perceptions of his society in his works. Kafka was born on July 3,1883 and raised in Prague, Bohemia. In the 1900s, societies structured their family through the patriarchal system. Franz Kafka was the first born of six children, consequently, forcing him to shoulder most of the responsibilities and discipline that come with being an eldest child. Kafka’s father in patriarchal view was the dominant leader in the house hold. This structure left the rest of the household at the bottom of the family. The main character, Gregor, suffers from his family’s oppression and refuses to address his father s aggression. Kafka connects his responses towards his father through the killing of Gregor. Kafka never had the confidence and bravery to stand up to his father, and ultimately led Kafka to not think for himself and become internally dead. Gregor continues to become passive and weak as the father continued to rule hisShow MoreRelatedAfrican Masculinity And The African Continent916 Words  | 4 Pageshas been riddled with western ideologies and stereotypes for centuries. Even before the institution of colonization was implemented across the continent, western visitors who saw the world through their western ideologies and â€Å"eyes†labeled African men, women, and societies as barbaric, and inferior. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Internet Background Checks A Wave Of The Future, And It...
Jazmin Herrera Professor Dominguez English 301-11 15 December 2014 Research Paper Internet background checks are a wave of the future, and it is here now. â€Å"Internet background checks†refers to the process were employers gather information from the internet about a person-in this case, a job or college applicant, to determine as much as possible of the applicant before they hire them (Rainey; Reicher). With a click of a button, one can type in someone’s name into google, an internet search engine, and find information about them in a second. Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter allow one to keep in touch with friends and allow you to meet new people. In which, many people spend hours each day updating their profiles, messaging their friends and clicking through photo albums. However, these social media networks are also means for employers and college admissions to see into an applicant’s real life. To see what type of message they are sending, and validating their applicant’s resumes. To some people, this may be unet hical. Because of this, internet background checks are a controversial topic due to some people debating that internet background checks are an invasion of privacy. However, with increasing competition for job titles and school admissions, employers and college admissions need a way to insure they are making the right choice when choosing an applicant. Admissions and employers want an applicant that is a good fit for the culture based on the imageShow MoreRelatedDigital Music Industry3387 Words  | 14 PagesI. Introduction Many people are still perplexed how ‘you are my love’ (a very popular song on the internet in China) has become popular, which is also considered cheesy from the view point of some mainstream recording industries and organizations. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Financial Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility
Question: Discuss about the Financial Analysis for Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Introduction The Suncorp group is an Australian company which serves the customers with financial services and insurance products and services (Suncrop, 2015). This company does not only aim at a maximising profit but also fulfills its social responsibilities efficiently. It has fulfilled its responsibilities towards the customers, employees as well as the workplace. Corporate Social Responsibility The company has created a greater value of customers. It has created a team which would help the customers to resolve the issues at the time of any natural disaster. They have made much advancement in the mobile technologies so that the customers do not get troubled while fulfilling their needs. It has also served its employees well and so they provide a safe environment for work where they can perform their best. The employees have a flexible workplace as they can do part time or they can also work from home. It also trains their employees and gives them of personal development through training programs, different types of projects, E-Learning etc. The company has fulfilled lots of responsibilities towards the community. They have provided many recycle bins in the offices. It has also promoted road safety training and has created awareness about the rules and regulations that the drivers must follow (Suncrop, 2015). How CSR impact the financial performance The corporate social responsibility has led to the better financial performance of the company. The company (group NPAT) had earned high profits in the year 2015-16 which was $1038 million. It has merged the office space so that the hazardous impact on the environment is reduced. The company has contributed $8.8 million toward the community projects (Suncrop, 2015). It was a great achievement for the company to earn such profits during the year when the there was a huge volatility in the global markets. It was very difficult to achieve such profits when there was a lower Australian dollar (Kruger, 2015). So, it is very clear that the social responsibilities of the company paid off because it could maintain its performance standard even in such unavoidable situations. The Suncorp bank has to undergo certain transformation programs and it also upgraded its core banking solution but these cold not affect the profits of the company. The company continued to maintain its consistency and h ad stronger earning (Profit after tax). There were so many situations which could affect the companys financial performance but this could not stop the general insurance company (a special division run by the company) from earning profits of $624 million. As there are so many external issues still the company has managed to perform excellently well we can conclude that the reputation and all the social works done by the company have paid off. Although there were so many problems and difficult situations such as global market violations the trust which the company has built encouraged the stakeholders to invest in the company (Ballot et. al, 2006). The annual report of the company acts as an evidence to prove the fact that the company has maintained its standard in the market and no situation could harm the company in any way. Conclusion It has proved it to be a great contributor to the society which is a very important thing every company needs to possess in order to survive in the long run. The maintained the consistency of performing well and are still continuing to fulfill as many social obligations as they can so that they could make a progress in the future. Overall, it can be commented that Suncorp has defined itself as an integrated organization that is customer oriented and the entire group has contributed the best possible solution. It is one of the major reasons for the smooth functioning of the company. Further, the contribution towards environment and community is praiseworthy. References Albuquerque, R., Durnev, A., Koskinen, Y 2013, Corporate social responsibility and firm risk: theory and empirical evidence, Boston University. Ballot, B., Heitger, D. L. Landes, C. E. 2006, The future of corporate sustainability reporting: A rapidly growing assurance opportunity, Journal of Accountancy, vol. 20, pp. 65-74 Kruger, P 2015, Corporate goodness and shareholder wealth, Journal of Financial economics, pp. 304-329 Suncrop 2015, Suncrop Annual report 2015, viewed 8 December 2017,
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Stomata Lab Report Essay Example
Stomata Lab Report Paper During those high-carbon-dioxide times, lands with fewer stomata will have an advantage and will be common. On the other hand, when carbon dioxide levels are low, plants need many stomata in order to scrape together enough carbon dioxide to survive. During low-carbon- dioxide times, plants with more stomata will have an advantage and will be common. (Understanding Evolution) Therefore, the question to be tested will be if you count the number of stomata of the same species of leaf at different stages of life will the number of stomata be different? My hypothesis is if we count the number of leaf stomata at three different stages of life then the umber of stomata will be less as the leaf gets older because the leaf is dying. (Understanding Evolution) Procedure Approximately three leaves of the where gathered to use in this experiment. Each leaf was at a different stage of life: alive, dying, and dead. A thin cast of a tiny part of the surface of the underside of each leaf was created using NYC clear nail polish. The imprint of each leafs underside was viewed one at a time under a light microscope using the cast, which was carefully removed from each leaf with a piece of packing tape. The stomata were completely visible and were able o be counted under the lowest view setting of xx. The stomata of each leaf were observed and counted four times. When viewing the stomata in each leaf for detail, the setting of xx was used. This made the view of the stomata large enough to tell whether they were open or not. The number and description of the stomata of each leaf was recorded. We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The leaf that was alive had an average of 34. 5 stomata counted in the one specific area observed, the dying leaf had an average of 31. 75 stomata in the area observed and the dead leaf had an average of 29. 25 stomata in the area observed. These averages were results f four different trials in which the stomata were counted and observed in the specified area of each plant, every trial having a new person count the stomata. The stomata of the dead leaf were closed; the stomata of the leaf that was alive were open. The stomata of the leaf that was dying varied. In some places, the stomata were opened, in others, they were closed. The stomata that were open were bunched in separate areas of the observed section of the leaf, as were the stomata that were closed. Neither of the different stomata were mixed between each other in the dying leaf. All three leaves stomata were scattered around n the observed area and did not have a noticeable pattern to their placing. Conclusion: The data gathered shows that there is, in fact, a difference in the number and the appearance of stomata in three different life stages of an American elm leaf. However, the differences in the number of stomata are slight, calculating to a difference of only 5. 25 stomata between the largest and smallest average. The leaf that was alive had the greatest number of stomata, followed by the dying leaf and then the dead one, which had the least number of stomata. The numbers of stomata seem to descend as the leaf dies. However, this difference s insignificant considering that the stomata that were counted were a part of a very tiny area of the leaf (smaller than a fraction of a centimeter). The difference of stomata in each leaf came out to only 5. 5, which isnt a large enough difference in the stomata of a small area of the leaf to be determined as significant. Further investigation would have to be performed in order to test this and get more accurate results. The difference that was significant was that of the appearance of the stomata. In the dead leaf, the stomata were closed; in the leaf that was alive, the stomata were open. The stomata o f the dying leaf however, aired. Parts of the section viewed under the microscope consisted of opened stomata, others consisted of closed stomata. This might be because the leaf wasnt completely dead, or parts of the leaf were still alive. When something is dying, the working parts of it do not stop functioning completely, they shut down at various times. This explains why some the stomata are open and some were closed. There was no significant difference in the number of stomata between the three leaves; however there was a dramatic difference in the appearance of the stomata in each leaf. If I were to re-do this lab in the future I would make ere to keep my fingers off of the viewing part of the tape. I think it may have altered our results in the end, like the number of stomata should have been without outliers. Another error that I have discovered was that we used different microscope power for the leaves. We should have used all the same power on each leaf for more accurate results to be sure we were viewing the same amount of area. The data also proves this because for the alive and the dying leaf we used the xx zoom, but we used xx zoom for the dead leaf. Id infer that we did this because the dead leafs stomata were closed which could have made them harder to see.
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