Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Ideologies Of His Works Essay - 1551 Words
The Ideologies in His Works Prague was exposed to Jewish learning and writing during the 1900s, until the social and political turmoil of the collapsing Austrian Empire. The collapse led Prague to be under Czechoslovakia, who led Prague to be dictated by Nazi, Germany. Prague was later overtaken by communists ,who seized power and brought harsh repression and decline to Prague. Kafka’s lack of confidence and fear caused him to not voice his ideologies on the Slavic culture, Jewish existence, and bureaucratic system ; however, he still managed to mirror his perceptions of his society in his works. Kafka was born on July 3,1883 and raised in Prague, Bohemia. In the 1900s, societies structured their family through the patriarchal system. Franz Kafka was the first born of six children, consequently, forcing him to shoulder most of the responsibilities and discipline that come with being an eldest child. Kafka’s father in patriarchal view was the dominant leader in the house hold. This structure left the rest of the household at the bottom of the family. The main character, Gregor, suffers from his family’s oppression and refuses to address his father s aggression. Kafka connects his responses towards his father through the killing of Gregor. Kafka never had the confidence and bravery to stand up to his father, and ultimately led Kafka to not think for himself and become internally dead. Gregor continues to become passive and weak as the father continued to rule hisShow MoreRelatedAfrican Masculinity And The African Continent916 Words  | 4 Pageshas been riddled with western ideologies and stereotypes for centuries. Even before the institution of colonization was implemented across the continent, western visitors who saw the world through their western ideologies and â€Å"eyes†labeled African men, women, and societies as barbaric, and inferior. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Internet Background Checks A Wave Of The Future, And It...
Jazmin Herrera Professor Dominguez English 301-11 15 December 2014 Research Paper Internet background checks are a wave of the future, and it is here now. â€Å"Internet background checks†refers to the process were employers gather information from the internet about a person-in this case, a job or college applicant, to determine as much as possible of the applicant before they hire them (Rainey; Reicher). With a click of a button, one can type in someone’s name into google, an internet search engine, and find information about them in a second. Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter allow one to keep in touch with friends and allow you to meet new people. In which, many people spend hours each day updating their profiles, messaging their friends and clicking through photo albums. However, these social media networks are also means for employers and college admissions to see into an applicant’s real life. To see what type of message they are sending, and validating their applicant’s resumes. To some people, this may be unet hical. Because of this, internet background checks are a controversial topic due to some people debating that internet background checks are an invasion of privacy. However, with increasing competition for job titles and school admissions, employers and college admissions need a way to insure they are making the right choice when choosing an applicant. Admissions and employers want an applicant that is a good fit for the culture based on the imageShow MoreRelatedDigital Music Industry3387 Words  | 14 PagesI. Introduction Many people are still perplexed how ‘you are my love’ (a very popular song on the internet in China) has become popular, which is also considered cheesy from the view point of some mainstream recording industries and organizations. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Financial Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility
Question: Discuss about the Financial Analysis for Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Introduction The Suncorp group is an Australian company which serves the customers with financial services and insurance products and services (Suncrop, 2015). This company does not only aim at a maximising profit but also fulfills its social responsibilities efficiently. It has fulfilled its responsibilities towards the customers, employees as well as the workplace. Corporate Social Responsibility The company has created a greater value of customers. It has created a team which would help the customers to resolve the issues at the time of any natural disaster. They have made much advancement in the mobile technologies so that the customers do not get troubled while fulfilling their needs. It has also served its employees well and so they provide a safe environment for work where they can perform their best. The employees have a flexible workplace as they can do part time or they can also work from home. It also trains their employees and gives them of personal development through training programs, different types of projects, E-Learning etc. The company has fulfilled lots of responsibilities towards the community. They have provided many recycle bins in the offices. It has also promoted road safety training and has created awareness about the rules and regulations that the drivers must follow (Suncrop, 2015). How CSR impact the financial performance The corporate social responsibility has led to the better financial performance of the company. The company (group NPAT) had earned high profits in the year 2015-16 which was $1038 million. It has merged the office space so that the hazardous impact on the environment is reduced. The company has contributed $8.8 million toward the community projects (Suncrop, 2015). It was a great achievement for the company to earn such profits during the year when the there was a huge volatility in the global markets. It was very difficult to achieve such profits when there was a lower Australian dollar (Kruger, 2015). So, it is very clear that the social responsibilities of the company paid off because it could maintain its performance standard even in such unavoidable situations. The Suncorp bank has to undergo certain transformation programs and it also upgraded its core banking solution but these cold not affect the profits of the company. The company continued to maintain its consistency and h ad stronger earning (Profit after tax). There were so many situations which could affect the companys financial performance but this could not stop the general insurance company (a special division run by the company) from earning profits of $624 million. As there are so many external issues still the company has managed to perform excellently well we can conclude that the reputation and all the social works done by the company have paid off. Although there were so many problems and difficult situations such as global market violations the trust which the company has built encouraged the stakeholders to invest in the company (Ballot et. al, 2006). The annual report of the company acts as an evidence to prove the fact that the company has maintained its standard in the market and no situation could harm the company in any way. Conclusion It has proved it to be a great contributor to the society which is a very important thing every company needs to possess in order to survive in the long run. The maintained the consistency of performing well and are still continuing to fulfill as many social obligations as they can so that they could make a progress in the future. Overall, it can be commented that Suncorp has defined itself as an integrated organization that is customer oriented and the entire group has contributed the best possible solution. It is one of the major reasons for the smooth functioning of the company. Further, the contribution towards environment and community is praiseworthy. References Albuquerque, R., Durnev, A., Koskinen, Y 2013, Corporate social responsibility and firm risk: theory and empirical evidence, Boston University. Ballot, B., Heitger, D. L. Landes, C. E. 2006, The future of corporate sustainability reporting: A rapidly growing assurance opportunity, Journal of Accountancy, vol. 20, pp. 65-74 Kruger, P 2015, Corporate goodness and shareholder wealth, Journal of Financial economics, pp. 304-329 Suncrop 2015, Suncrop Annual report 2015, viewed 8 December 2017,
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Stomata Lab Report Essay Example
Stomata Lab Report Paper During those high-carbon-dioxide times, lands with fewer stomata will have an advantage and will be common. On the other hand, when carbon dioxide levels are low, plants need many stomata in order to scrape together enough carbon dioxide to survive. During low-carbon- dioxide times, plants with more stomata will have an advantage and will be common. (Understanding Evolution) Therefore, the question to be tested will be if you count the number of stomata of the same species of leaf at different stages of life will the number of stomata be different? My hypothesis is if we count the number of leaf stomata at three different stages of life then the umber of stomata will be less as the leaf gets older because the leaf is dying. (Understanding Evolution) Procedure Approximately three leaves of the where gathered to use in this experiment. Each leaf was at a different stage of life: alive, dying, and dead. A thin cast of a tiny part of the surface of the underside of each leaf was created using NYC clear nail polish. The imprint of each leafs underside was viewed one at a time under a light microscope using the cast, which was carefully removed from each leaf with a piece of packing tape. The stomata were completely visible and were able o be counted under the lowest view setting of xx. The stomata of each leaf were observed and counted four times. When viewing the stomata in each leaf for detail, the setting of xx was used. This made the view of the stomata large enough to tell whether they were open or not. The number and description of the stomata of each leaf was recorded. We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stomata Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The leaf that was alive had an average of 34. 5 stomata counted in the one specific area observed, the dying leaf had an average of 31. 75 stomata in the area observed and the dead leaf had an average of 29. 25 stomata in the area observed. These averages were results f four different trials in which the stomata were counted and observed in the specified area of each plant, every trial having a new person count the stomata. The stomata of the dead leaf were closed; the stomata of the leaf that was alive were open. The stomata of the leaf that was dying varied. In some places, the stomata were opened, in others, they were closed. The stomata that were open were bunched in separate areas of the observed section of the leaf, as were the stomata that were closed. Neither of the different stomata were mixed between each other in the dying leaf. All three leaves stomata were scattered around n the observed area and did not have a noticeable pattern to their placing. Conclusion: The data gathered shows that there is, in fact, a difference in the number and the appearance of stomata in three different life stages of an American elm leaf. However, the differences in the number of stomata are slight, calculating to a difference of only 5. 25 stomata between the largest and smallest average. The leaf that was alive had the greatest number of stomata, followed by the dying leaf and then the dead one, which had the least number of stomata. The numbers of stomata seem to descend as the leaf dies. However, this difference s insignificant considering that the stomata that were counted were a part of a very tiny area of the leaf (smaller than a fraction of a centimeter). The difference of stomata in each leaf came out to only 5. 5, which isnt a large enough difference in the stomata of a small area of the leaf to be determined as significant. Further investigation would have to be performed in order to test this and get more accurate results. The difference that was significant was that of the appearance of the stomata. In the dead leaf, the stomata were closed; in the leaf that was alive, the stomata were open. The stomata o f the dying leaf however, aired. Parts of the section viewed under the microscope consisted of opened stomata, others consisted of closed stomata. This might be because the leaf wasnt completely dead, or parts of the leaf were still alive. When something is dying, the working parts of it do not stop functioning completely, they shut down at various times. This explains why some the stomata are open and some were closed. There was no significant difference in the number of stomata between the three leaves; however there was a dramatic difference in the appearance of the stomata in each leaf. If I were to re-do this lab in the future I would make ere to keep my fingers off of the viewing part of the tape. I think it may have altered our results in the end, like the number of stomata should have been without outliers. Another error that I have discovered was that we used different microscope power for the leaves. We should have used all the same power on each leaf for more accurate results to be sure we were viewing the same amount of area. The data also proves this because for the alive and the dying leaf we used the xx zoom, but we used xx zoom for the dead leaf. Id infer that we did this because the dead leafs stomata were closed which could have made them harder to see.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Microsoft Legal Audit
Microsoft’s Legal Audit Microsoft, manufactures, licenses, and supports a host of software products for a number of computing devices. Their software includes operating systems for â€Å"intelligent devices, personal computers and servers; server applications for client/server environments; knowledge worker productivity applications; and software development tools. They also license consumer software programs; sell PC input devices; train and certify system integrators; and research and develop advanced technologies for future software products.†Should there be a reference here? Microsoft's ambitions are anything but small. The world's #1 software company provides a variety of products and services, including its Windows operating systems and Office Suite software. The company has expanded into markets such as video game consoles, interactive television, and Internet access. With its core markets maturing, Microsoft is targeting services for growth, looking to transform its software applications into Web-based services for enterprises and consumers. Microsoft has reached a tentative settlement to end an ongoing antitrust investigation, agreeing to uniformly license its operating systems and allow manufacturers to include competing software with Windows (Company Information). The following issues involving Microsoft were researched and analyzed in preparation for the production of this audit report. The three issues that were picked involve Microsoft’s employment discrimination troubles, anti-trust/monopoly problems, and revenue reporting investigations by the SEC. Following the legal audits, the appendix contains basic financial statements, a 5-year stock chart, and the 20 most recent insider trades as of March 2003. Employment Discrimination When it rains, it pours. The Associated Press headline and story lead-in of January 2001, announcing Jackson v. Microsoft, must have caused the hearts of anti-trust-weary Microsoft su... Free Essays on Microsoft Legal Audit Free Essays on Microsoft Legal Audit Microsoft’s Legal Audit Microsoft, manufactures, licenses, and supports a host of software products for a number of computing devices. Their software includes operating systems for â€Å"intelligent devices, personal computers and servers; server applications for client/server environments; knowledge worker productivity applications; and software development tools. They also license consumer software programs; sell PC input devices; train and certify system integrators; and research and develop advanced technologies for future software products.†Should there be a reference here? Microsoft's ambitions are anything but small. The world's #1 software company provides a variety of products and services, including its Windows operating systems and Office Suite software. The company has expanded into markets such as video game consoles, interactive television, and Internet access. With its core markets maturing, Microsoft is targeting services for growth, looking to transform its software applications into Web-based services for enterprises and consumers. Microsoft has reached a tentative settlement to end an ongoing antitrust investigation, agreeing to uniformly license its operating systems and allow manufacturers to include competing software with Windows (Company Information). The following issues involving Microsoft were researched and analyzed in preparation for the production of this audit report. The three issues that were picked involve Microsoft’s employment discrimination troubles, anti-trust/monopoly problems, and revenue reporting investigations by the SEC. Following the legal audits, the appendix contains basic financial statements, a 5-year stock chart, and the 20 most recent insider trades as of March 2003. Employment Discrimination When it rains, it pours. The Associated Press headline and story lead-in of January 2001, announcing Jackson v. Microsoft, must have caused the hearts of anti-trust-weary Microsoft su...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter T
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter T Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter T used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Abbreviations and Acronyms Starting With T T: Period of a waveT: Tera prefixT: Thyminet: timeT: TritiumTa: TantalumTaC: Tantalum CarbideTAC: Tri acetyl CelluloseTAG: TriAcylGlyceridetan: tangentTAN: Total Acid NumberTAS: Total Analysis SystemTAS: Total Alkali versus SilicaTAT: TriAcetone TriperoxideTb: TerbiumTBA: TertButylArsineTBA: 2,4,6-TriBromoAnisoleTBP: True Boiling PointTBC: 4-TertButylCatecholTBT: TriButylTinTBHQ: TertButylHydroQuinoneTc: TechnitiumTC: Temperature CompensatedTC: Temperature ControlledTC: Theoretical ChemistryTc: Critical TemperatureTCA: TauroCholic AcidTCA: TCA cycle (citric acid cycle)TCA: TriChloroAcetic AcidTCE: TriChloroEthaneTCF: ThiolCarbon FiberTCM: TetraChloromethaneTCP: Thermal Conversion ProcessTCP: TocopherolTCP: TriCalcium PhosphateTCP: TriChloroPhenolTCP: 1,2,3-TriChloropropaneTCS: Toxic Chemical SystemTCT: ToCoTrienolTCV: Temperature Control ValveTCVF: Two Chamber Vacuum FurnaceTD: Temperature DisplacementTD: Thermal DepositionTDA: Thermal Dilatometric AnalysisTDC: Three Degrees Centigra de TDG: ThymineDNA GlycosylaseTDI: Tolerable Daily IntakeTDI: Toluene DiIsonateTDO: Tryptophan 2,3-DiOxygenaseTDP: Thermal DePolymerizationTDP: Thymidine DiPhosphateTDP: Thiamine DiPhosphateTe: TelluriumTEA: Terminal Electron AcceptorTEC: Thermal Electric CoolerTEL: Tetra Ethyl LeadTFM: Total Fatty MatterTh: ThoriumTHC: Tetra Hydra CannabinolTHM: TriHaloMethanes TI - Thermal IndexTi: TitaniumTIC: Total Ion CurrentTIMS: Thermal Ionization Mass SpectroscopyTIP: TrisIsopropyl PhenylTl: ThalliumTLC: Thin Layer ChromatographyTLV: Toxic Level ValueTm: ThuliumTM: Transition MetalTMD: Theoretical Maximum DensityTMG: TriMethylGlycineTMMA: TetraMethylMalonAmideTMP: TriMethylPhosphateTMS: TriMethylSilaneTNB: TriNitroBenzeneTNT: TriNitroTolueneTNS: Test No EtherTOBSY: Total ThroughBond Correlation SpectroscopyTOC: Total Organic CarbonTOI: Table Of IsotopesTON: Table Of NuclidesTOX: ToxicTP: Triple PointTP: Transition PointTPE: Thermoplastic ElastomerTPM: Total Particulate MatterTR: Table RowTRAP: T artrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase TRFM: Time-Resolved Fluorescence MicroscopyTRP: TryptophanTS: Temperature SensitiveTSCB: TriSilaCycloButaneTSP: Thermally Stable PolycrystallineTSP: TriSodium PhosphateTSPM: Total Suspended Particulate MatterTSS: Total Soluble SolidsTST: Transitional State TheoryTT: Test TubeTTC: Triphenyl Tetrazolium ChlorideTTFD: Thiamine TetraHydroFurfurylDisulfideTTLC: Total Threshold Limit ConcentrationTTO: Total Toxic OrganicsTTP: Thymine TriPhosphateTTX: TetrodotoxinTU: Thermally UnboundTWMC: Time-Weighted Mean ConcentrationTWV: Total Water Vapor
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human computer interaction Annotated Bibliography
Human computer interaction - Annotated Bibliography Example Selection scheme tests showed the amount of buttons and kind of pointing device to select text. Icon tests showed the optimal shapes for recognition. Graphics tests showed that the line drawings interface needed revision. The focus was on basic users of computers who relied on recognition largely. The system was to be kept as simple as possible so that learning did not pose much of a problem. The studies conducted were largely qualitative in design except for the selection schemes that were tabulated statistically in terms of errors during usage. Even the statistical portions of the study were not well documented enough to warrant sturdy critique. The study is largely irrelevant in terms of HCI today as the study represents basic and early developments in HCI. The paper can however be considered to be watershed as it addresses major questions for development of user interfaces. The results of the paper are also significant as modern trends in user interface creation are similar to th e findings of the paper. Moreover the paper displays some bias as it only investigates a limited number of human cognition areas. The total study spanned six years and multiple tests which indicates that more issues could have been addressed. The paper is highly relevant to HCI as it represents the trends in the early development of HCI in general and the early development of graphical user interfaces in particular. The paper represents a shift from qualitative investigation methods to quantities methods. In itself this paper is symbolic of the transformation from qualitative investigation to quantitative investigation in the field of HCI. The paper is also reflective of how small segregated development has helped to make HCI and user interface design what they are today. Bush The author of this paper is a respected scientist in the scientific community of the Allies. The paper is set in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War and the author concentrates on the large amounts of learning and research produced during the war effort and the inaccessibility posed by the large volumes of information available. Towards the middle the author begins to envision the kind of devices required to access the large banks of information with the greatest convenience. The idea is further developed to envision a device resembling a modern computer in principle but differing largely in terms of design and operability. The author is confined to the use of hardware based techniques to achieve large advances in user interfaces. The chief methodology utilised by the author is speculation based on advances in user interfaces and HCI as far as the Second World War. The excessive utilisation of speculation as the chief method discounts the credibility of the paper to a large degree. The author’s findings are nothing more than mere ideas with little practical ground to bank on. The paper cannot be declared to be a watershed as there is little evidence that the advances i magined by the author were put to practical use immediately. Instead the evolution of HCI and user interfaces went through multiple other stages before it got to its current state. The paper can be related in its speculation to modern technology especially for indexing although the author’s methods for indexing are irrelevant today. Moreover the compression of data speculated by the author is highly relevant to ground realities today although again the author fails to provide any real solutions for it. The study is biased towards qualitative speculation rather than taking facts and building on them. There is not quantitative data or research anywhere in the paper at all. The paper can be seen as very early attempts at envisioning modern user interfaces
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
One of each Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
One of each - Essay Example By the latter part of the 1960s, as the impacts of the economic development pursuit upon the environment turned out to be more obvious, environmental concerns began to receive more attention and gain more importance. The Torrey Canyon accident, a major oil-tanker that broke up resulting in to the discharge of oil onto England’s south-west coast, raised severe public concern and underscored the fact that elevated consumer consumption was vulnerable to environmental threats. The growing industrialisation of agriculture in the United States was also seriously criticised for the environmental harm attributable to the application of agro-chemicals on farmland. Scholarly criticisms eventually had a key influence on public awareness and later on policy making, with the restriction or prohibition of use being placed on agro-chemicals classified as being the most hazardous (Holden 2003). Nevertheless, the tourism industry remained basically invulnerable from environmental criticism, the tourism’s reputation being chiefly an environmental friendly affair, or what some referred to as the ‘smokeless industry’. This image was boosted by the descriptions of tourism, encompassing values of beauty and purity, as depicted in sceneries of lush mountain areas and glamorous beaches enclosed in sunshine. Still, there were disagreeing remarks about tourism’s ‘smokelessness.’ There are academics who argue that in 1961 there was interest being shown over the potential ecological imbalance that may lead to tourism growth in the island of Tahiti in the Pacific (Holden 2003, 67). The examination of the impacts of growing population of people going down upon scenic regions in the 1960s provoked Mishan (1969, 141) to comment: Once serene and lovely towns such as Andorra and Biarritz are smothered with new hotels and the dust and roar of motorised traffic. The isles of Greece have become a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Year of Wonders Essay Example for Free
Year of Wonders Essay Background of the novel: 1. William Shakespeare wrote most of his known plays between 1589 and 1613, and died in 1616. 2. Elizabeth I was succeeded by James VI of Scotland (becoming James I of Great Britain upon his crowning), in 1603. 3. Between the years of 1649 and 1660, during the English Civil War, England had no monarch; instead, the country was temporarily ruled by Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell as a military/parliament. 4. In 17th Century England, many people believed that witches were abound and were the cause of a variety of otherwise difficult-to-explain behaviour amongst people; if a person were found guilty of witchcraft, they were sentenced to death by hanging. 5. Puritans were those of a particular division of the Christian faith, differing notably from other branches in mostly their views on morality, which they believed to be incredibly important – and pursued down to the finest level of detail – and the structure and manner of their worship (shunning the interference of outside sources, such as rulers of the land, into religion, and not seeking happiness by normal means, taking it instead from their belief that they were acting according to God’s will). 6. (I couldn’t answer the first part of this question, as after seeing multiple versions of the book’s cover there seems to be no recurring phrase to consider as a ‘subtitle’.) Historical Fiction: 1. While some people may hold the expectation that historical fiction would be based on facts and research, painting a realistic picture of its setting, I would say that such an assumption is not, or at least should not be, usually present; historical fiction is labelled as ‘fiction’ for a reason, and as such is grounded too much in alternate reality, aiming too much to provide entertainment rather than information, to be considered an accurate, researched portrayal of its setting. Of course, there are exceptions – Year of Wonders, in part, being one – but even that does not provide a realistic enough picture of its time and place to make the emergence of such an expectation of factual provision becoming commonplace in the genre seem a good idea. 2. I believe that an author’s ability to shape their material into an effective and engaging narrative holds a higher position of importance than their willingness to adhere to historically accurate occurrences; if the author aims to engross their audience in the story, then every other aspect of the book is secondary to that goal. In the same way as one would be unwise to attempt to write a good book about a purposefully boring premise or character, there is little point in maintaining historical accuracy if such maintenance detracts from the entertainment of the piece. Even if the aim is not entertainment, but rather the conveyance of a particular theme, the same reasoning applies – there is little to no reason in maintaining historical accuracy if the themes being presented could be done so far more effectively without such accuracy. 3. Although it is obviously important in any medium to avoid anachronistic occurrences that could detract from the story, I do not agree that the ‘anachronisms’ in Year of Wonders could be classified as such, in that they do not seem to be truly anachronistic at all. By this, I mean that the attitudes of the main characters do not seem unbelievable, even considering the book’s setting, as any era will always have those who think differently – indeed, if not for this, this emergence of individuals going against the status quo who may obtain the rare chance to influence others, mankind’s common values would never have changed since its inception. Each of the characters in question seems to have been written with enough explanation of their own values and attitudes that they are justified, even within the context. While these circumstances are certainly unlikely, they are not impossible, and attempting to call those two things one and the same is akin to labelling day the same as night by the mere fact that they lie next to each other in the cycle of time. Reading the Novel: 1. It would seem that the reason for which Geraldine Brooks gave the name Year of Wonders to her novel is that, despite the devastating effects of the plague on Anna’s life, there truly were ‘wonders’ that happened for, and around, her in that year. She grew closer than she ever may have expected to a good friend; she salvaged many an innocent life with her (albeit shaky at first) willingness in being a midwife, which eventually led to her finding what she believed her true calling; she witnessed her town’s sacrificial act of goodness, sparing innocent bystanders from sharing in Eyam’s wretched fate; and, ultimately, she managed to find happiness, emerging from that most trying year scathed but still very much alive, restarting her life anew and settling down with two healthy, happy children to call her own. 2. Here is a list of my initial impressions of the characters in Year of Wonders: * Anna – A girl whose innocence was taken from her by that which she has experienced, seeming embittered and disillusioned with the world around her but standing as a strong pillar of kindness in spite of that. To those familiar with the terminology – for I can think of no better term for Anna’s character – she seems at first (and throughout the story) to be a ‘Mary Sue’. * Michael – A once-great man driven into an almost catatonic state by the events of the plague. * Elizabeth – An unpleasant woman, spoilt to the point of incredible greed and selfishness by the circumstances of her upbringing. * Jamie – A child like any other, energetic and inquisitive. * George – Good and kind-hearted, to the level that these qualities become suspicious. * Jane – A prudish and serious young girl, putting her religious views above all else in h er life to a perhaps obsessive extent. * Sam – Dull, yet kind; a simple man, content with his life. * Tom – A typical baby; along with Jamie, he is the subject of his mother’s devotion and love, and much of her reason for living now that Sam is dead. * Elinor – Kind and carefree, yet contemplative and devoted; Anna’s picture of perfection. * Mem – A woman weathered by the world, showing inherent goodness behind a more grumpy exterior as she remains to tend to a village of people who think none too highly of her. * Anys – A young girl showing the same world-weariness, temperament and awareness as her aunt, though whose morality is perhaps more tarred due to her selfishness, her bluntness and her disregard for typical values. * Stanley –Similarly to Jane, a person who treats worship and morality as being almost synonymous with life itself. * Aphra – Self-absorbed to the extreme and paranoid towards any outside forces in her life. * Lib – A representation of a typical girl of the Middle Ages, serving as a foil to Anna’s more progressive character. * Colonel Bradford – A selfish, rude man, having grown accustomed to abusing the power granted to him. * Miss Bradford – A typical rich woman of the times, considering her wealth as a token of superiority. * Robert – A wandering young man of high-class birth, seeking simple entertainment after leaving his home town of London. * Mary – An unremarkable woman on face level, wanting only a plain and happy life. * Surgeon(s) – [Grouped together because they are of indistinguishable temperaments] Fearful men, seeking not truly to aid others at critical points but rather to gain a stock of money from their work and remain in safety themselves. * The sexton – A hard-working old man, trying merely to do his duty in a most difficult time. * Brad – Though not particularly evil, a superstitious, desperate and stupid man. * Faith – Much the same as her father, Brad. * Urith – The same as Brad. * Martin – Same as above. * Maggie – A hard-working, honest peasant woman. * Jenny – Same as above. * Brand – A cautious man, but one who has goodness within him. * Jakob – Kind and accommodating, despite his difficult lot in life. * Josiah – A cruel and angry man not afraid to use his strength to get his own way; like his wife Aphra, he seems to reject anything other than the concept of self. * Sally – An entirely innocent victim, her death seeming representative of that which makes the villagers start to abandon their faith. * Kate – Another desperate, simple peasant woman, seeking safety but throwing away reason in an attempt to reach it. * Merry – Like Sally, Merry is a unfairly victimised child, but unlike her, Merry appears to represent hope and strength. * Alun – A gruff man, set in his ways, but with a good sense of right and wrong. * Randoll – A simple villager with a good heart. * Henry – Another plain villager, of a gruff and unpleasant temperament himself, but angered back into caring about morality by Josiah’s actions. * Lottie and Tom – Desperate parents who have suspended their disbelief of the supernatural in a vain attempt to protect their child. * John – A man whose already-fragile mind snapped from the fear and grief of the plague, spurring him to reckless action. * Urith – Meek; locked up in hiding due more to fear of her husband than of the plague. * James – A saddening old figure, his faith tested by his continued survival while more meaningful lives pass away in front of his eyes. * Mrs. Bradford – A fearful woman, whose subservience to her husband is so great as to surpass her care for her child’s life. * The Innkeeper – An honest, fair-minded man with a good sense of justice. * Ahmed – Refined, kind and accepting. 3. Brooks’ descriptions of the village and countryside are used to create suspense by portraying the change from a normal, perfectly functional town to a broken wreck; mentions of laughter, of playful children and of the sounds of work, are replaced by a foreboding silence, while the town itself becomes overgrown and filled with decay. The reason that these scenes – scenes of a once-lively town reduced to an image of death – create suspense is that, no matter where the characters focus, they will be presented by a reminder of the ruins around them, showing them just how close they are to that fate themselves. 4. The views developed by Brooks throughout the narrative seem to combine into one main theme – a willingness to question the status quo, to show that the current state of things may not always be for the best. This is shown through class divides (questioning whether the wealthy truly deserve their privileged status, as evidenced by the selfishness of the Bradfords), relative gender equality for the times (as both men and women play a crucial role in stopping the end situation from being even worse; if, as was typical of the times, only the men had been allowed to decide on issues – and, for example, Anna and Elinor had not been able to choose to act as midwives – the death toll may well have been higher), and the steadfast determination to perceive the plague as a religious occurrence rather than a natural one (which, by focusing eyes in the wrong direction, likely caused the loss of many lives; if the true reason for the plague had been discovered earlier, more effective countermeasures could have been taken). This general theme, and its components, reflects contemporary attitudes rather accurately – recent society has certainly become more open to changing the status quo, and such things as gender equality and reduced expectations of religion seem to have worked rather well in changing society for the better. 5. Contrast between characters can be seen between multiple pairs in Year of Wonders. Anna seems to have four main contrasting characters, each of a different kind – firstly, she and Aphra are contrasted in their desires, with Anna’s being largely for the wellbeing of other people while her stepmother’s are selfish. Michael Mompellion could be considered the second contrast to Anna, as he is an initially strong man weakened by his trials and losses while Anna’s seem to serve only to strengthen her resolve in the end. Anys is the contrast to Anna’s third defining characteristic; while Anna is a rather traditional girl despite her individual ways, and hides much of her true self and her opinions inside, Anys’ views would not seem entirely common in our day, and she has little reservation about speaking her mind bluntly. Finally, Anna’s situation – that of a strong, outgoing woman, hidden behind the mask of a cautious, unglamorous girl – is opposite to that of Elinor, who appears in Anna’s eyes to be a near-flawless woman radiating energy but is internally scarred and in turmoil. Elinor, with her constant kindness and equal treatment despite her high-class family background, has another contrasting character of her own in Elizabeth, the rich daughter of the Bradfords who abuses her power and thinks only of her own desires. One more prominent contrast is between Colonel Bradford and Michael – while both being intelligent men, the Colonel seeks to employ this intelligence only to protect himself, whereas Michael aims to aid those around him. The Structure of the Novel: 1. It seems that flashback has been used here for a multitude of reasons; it allows for a more direct before-and-after contrast to show the development of her character throughout the year (by virtue of snapping from one to the other; in a gradual build-up, the changes would be less noticeable), it reveals the inevitable end of the story so as to place an emphasis on the book’s characters and setting rather than its plot’s ramifications, and it creates a sense of curiosity as to just how events transpired within the focused-upon year to create such change as can be seen. 2. While beginning with a flashback is, as previously explained, effective in setting up a variety of paths to set the foundation for telling a tale, it is not a solve-all solution for storytelling; some aspects of the story cannot be satisfactorily fleshed out without the reader having some pre-established knowledge of the characters, setting and such things, and so I imagine that is for this reason that Brooks decided to revisit this time. 3. While I am not certain on this fact, it would seem that the middle thirteen chapters of the story were indeed narrated in chronological order; if this is not the case, then I would perhaps say that the signposting to show this anachronism was insufficient. Leaf-fall, 1666: Apple-picking Time: 1. Key character interactions and quotations in this opening chapter are: * Anna’s devotion to the deteriorated Michael Mompellion, rousing curiosity as to what led to the situation. * Michael’s grief and bitterness over the loss of Elinor. * The cold, vengeful attitude held towards Elizabeth as a member of the Bradfords. * The mention that Josiah ‘loved the pot more than his children’. * Elizabeth being ‘sour-faced and spoiled’. * ‘His hand is on the bible, but he never opens it’ – Michael’s religious habits contrasting with his shattered faith. * Anna’s motives in caring for Michael, showing her idolatry of Elinor: ‘I do it for her. I tell myself I do it for her. Why else would I do it, after all?’ * Michael’s frigid recital of a passage from the Bible, showing further his grief from the loss of Elinor and his feeling of betrayal from God: ‘Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 2. I think that Brooks chose to use first-person narrative because it would seem that the story she seeks to tell is primarily one of a single girl’s character development; while third-person writing allows for a greater scope of focus on multiple characters or a wider story, the first-person perspective tends to allow the writer to more accurately portray the nuanced thoughts of an individual, and so it seems more fitting for this purpose. Another possible reason is that this subjective first-person story, shown through the imagined eyes of Anna Frith, paints the emotions and feel of the setting better than a first-person narrative may manage to easily do. 3. Archaic and dialect words contribute to the story by creating a more realistic setting; in a similar way to the aforementioned example of anachronism (an ancient Roman wearing a watch), the story’s sense of realism would be broken if the residents of a small, 17th century British town were to speak just as we do today. 4. Aside from the stated phrases, notable signs of decay, loss and disillusionment in this chapter are: * ‘The courtyard hadn’t been swept in a sennight. It smelled of rotting straw and horse piss.’ * ‘If there’s one thing I couldn’t stand anymore, it’s the scent of a rotting apple.’ * ‘†¦sometimes I feel that I’m tending just another in that long procession of dead.’ * ‘My neighbours’ cottage was empty, the ivy already creeping across the windows and the grey lichens crusting the sills.’ * ‘[Nature] has taken less than a year to begin to reclaim its place.’ 5. Some examples of parallels between the physical desolation of the garden and the spiritual desolation of Michael are: * The idea that Elinor would be sorry to see what had become of her garden; just as it has been dirtied with weeds, so too has Michael’s spirit been corrupted by his anger and grief, and Elinor would be most saddened to see what had become of this once-strong man. * In relation to the previous point, Anna remarks, ‘I expect she would understand why it is so’. * Anna also remarks on how nobody could truly restore Elinor’s garden back to its former glory, drawing comparisons to how – no matter what efforts Anna or any others may make in improving Michael’s state of depression – they could never tend to him with the same skill as his wife could have; he could never return to being the steadfast bastion of strength that he was when he stood with Elinor’s support. 6. It does not, to me, seem that Anna’s relative stability in the face of Michael’s mental collapse indicates a message of feminist resilience; regardless of Brooks’ intention, the two simply seem to be different people, defined in this aspect by their characters rather than their genders. This view is supported by Aphra’s fall into depraved insanity, which certainly contained no message of women being inherently strong. 7. Examples of the complexities of Anna’s character shown in this chapter are: * Her prioritising of compassion above tradition – ‘A servant has no right to stay, once she’s dismissed. But I did stay†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Page 4) * Her hesitance to let any life be in need, unhappiness or danger – tending to the horse (‘I kept prattling, softly, as I used to with the children when they were scared or hurt.’ (Page 5)), not wanting to pull out the plant (‘like me, so brimful of endings that they cannot bear to wrench even a scrawny sapling from its tenuous grip on life.’ (Page 12)).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Pride of Sophocles Oedipus The King Essay -- Oedipus the King Oe
The Pride of Sophocles' Oedipus The King      Greek tragedy is characterized by the emotional catharsis brought about by the horrific suffering of a heroic figure. In Oedipus The King, by Sophocles, the onslaught of pain assailing the protagonist is a result of his tragic flaw. Sophocles often used a characters hamartia to alter or influence the outcome or future of the hero. Oedipus' hubris traps him to fulfil the oracle and intensifies his punishment.  Oedipus' pride is an innate characteristic. Even before his glory and power as King of Thebes he allowed his conceit to cloud his judgement and rule his actions. Unknowingly, Oedipus fulfills Apollo's oracle when he encounters a band of men at a crossroad. The driver offends Oedipus as he brushes by, inciting Oedipus' anger. Although the contact is just a slight intrusion, Oedipus, outraged that someone would have the gall to trouble him "paid them back with interest" and "killed everyone of them, every mother's son". In hindsight as he recounts the incident to Jocasta he is not remorseful for the loss of life nor for his part in the crime. Instead, Oedipus' tone is one of satisfaction that he got revenge. Had his arrogance not interfered, Oedipus would not have made the rash decision to kill all of the party and would not have satisfied the prophecy.  Oedipus' self-confidence blinds him to the impossibility evading fate predestined by the gods. Dramatic irony is present when Oedipus tries to skirt the horrible prophecy of him killing his father and coupling with his mother, because in fleeing Corinth to avoid murdering Polybus, he is taking steps that will realize the prophecy. Again his overconfidence contributes to the impending doom; in believing t... ...o torture the shepherd, "So you won't talk willingly - then you'll talk with pain". Oedipus' cruelty indeed literally squeezes his own demise out of the shepherd: "You're a dead man is I have to ask again". Again, Oedipus is blind to the subtle hints the shepherd leaves for Oedipus to decipher. Until now, Oedipus's pride has blinded him from the truth and from seeing other's intentions; he has been stubborn.              When isolated, each of these events may be excused as a simple mistake, but a pattern emerges when viewed as a whole. The tragic outcome of Oedipus' life is caused by his underlying character flaw - pride. However, Oedipus is a tragic hero because he becomes aware of his fault and accepts responsibility for his actions.  Works Cited Sophocles. The Three Theban Plays (pp.159-251). Penguin Classics.New York, New York:1984. The Pride of Sophocles' Oedipus The King Essay -- Oedipus the King Oe The Pride of Sophocles' Oedipus The King      Greek tragedy is characterized by the emotional catharsis brought about by the horrific suffering of a heroic figure. In Oedipus The King, by Sophocles, the onslaught of pain assailing the protagonist is a result of his tragic flaw. Sophocles often used a characters hamartia to alter or influence the outcome or future of the hero. Oedipus' hubris traps him to fulfil the oracle and intensifies his punishment.  Oedipus' pride is an innate characteristic. Even before his glory and power as King of Thebes he allowed his conceit to cloud his judgement and rule his actions. Unknowingly, Oedipus fulfills Apollo's oracle when he encounters a band of men at a crossroad. The driver offends Oedipus as he brushes by, inciting Oedipus' anger. Although the contact is just a slight intrusion, Oedipus, outraged that someone would have the gall to trouble him "paid them back with interest" and "killed everyone of them, every mother's son". In hindsight as he recounts the incident to Jocasta he is not remorseful for the loss of life nor for his part in the crime. Instead, Oedipus' tone is one of satisfaction that he got revenge. Had his arrogance not interfered, Oedipus would not have made the rash decision to kill all of the party and would not have satisfied the prophecy.  Oedipus' self-confidence blinds him to the impossibility evading fate predestined by the gods. Dramatic irony is present when Oedipus tries to skirt the horrible prophecy of him killing his father and coupling with his mother, because in fleeing Corinth to avoid murdering Polybus, he is taking steps that will realize the prophecy. Again his overconfidence contributes to the impending doom; in believing t... ...o torture the shepherd, "So you won't talk willingly - then you'll talk with pain". Oedipus' cruelty indeed literally squeezes his own demise out of the shepherd: "You're a dead man is I have to ask again". Again, Oedipus is blind to the subtle hints the shepherd leaves for Oedipus to decipher. Until now, Oedipus's pride has blinded him from the truth and from seeing other's intentions; he has been stubborn.              When isolated, each of these events may be excused as a simple mistake, but a pattern emerges when viewed as a whole. The tragic outcome of Oedipus' life is caused by his underlying character flaw - pride. However, Oedipus is a tragic hero because he becomes aware of his fault and accepts responsibility for his actions.  Works Cited Sophocles. The Three Theban Plays (pp.159-251). Penguin Classics.New York, New York:1984.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Namesake Clash of Culture
The thing about The Namesake is not that it is a great movie (although most avid movie-goers will be satisfied), but that it treats universal themes with such clarity that anyone who has been through the experience of leaving one’s land should be able to relate, even if not from India. Directed by Mira Nair and with Kal Penn leading a great cast, the movie follows the lives of an Indian couple coming to New York in the 70s and raising children in this context.I have a number of friends that are second generation to Indian immigrants for which reason I believe my understanding of their culture is above average, but even if that was not the case I’m sure these themes would not be lost on me: Abandoning the comfort of family life in the quest for better opportunities Struggling to make a living without help, in a culture where all values are different All the sacrifices that parents make for the sake of their children.I’ve always said that migration is cruel to our ancestors but selfless to our children. The agony of loosing loved ones being far away and the constant fight with the irrational thought that it could be avoided. The temptation of multiracial relationships The intimacy of the father/son dialog when the entire future of their lineage depends on them The cultural pride that one feels even after leaving the country behind, assuming all great achievements from our people as our own.In many ocassions this only happens once we leave our countries. The quiet professional triumph that occurs almost in the background to all the other events in our lives. The crude attempt to follow tradition even if this means to butcher them once in a while The cultural mix that is driven by well adapted â€Å"second generation†kids and their loose interpretation of their heritage in the context of their daily lives. Go see it or continue reading the chatter at one of the Indian blogs I follow.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Importance of Having an Identity
Henry Lawson’s poem Second Class Wait Here (Second Class) shows that when an identity is forced upon an individual (an outcome of class labelling) they may struggle to feel a positive sense of belonging. Gordon Bennett’s three-panel canvas artwork Triptych: Requiem, Of Grandeur, Empire (Triptych) exemplifies how strongly accepting one’s identity under difficultcircumstances leads to a deep and enriching sense of belonging that may extend out to others. Through the shepherd Corin, Shakespeare shows that a strong sense of identity can overshadow the derogations made by others.When Touchstone claims in Act Two that he is one of Corin’s ‘betters,’ Corin replies contentedly ‘Or else are they very wretched. ’ Further on in the play, Touchstone uses simile to describe Corin ‘like an ill roasted egg, cooked all on one side’ when claiming Corin to be ‘wicked’ having never been to court. Corin, happy with his bucol ic lifestyle, shrugs off each remark stating ‘Thou have too courtly a wit for me – I’ll rest. ’ Contrastingly, Lawson in his poem Second Class shows how a lack of acceptance to one’s identity leads to a negative outlook on one’s circumstances.At the railstation Lawson works he feels surrounded and held back by signboards stating ‘Second Class wait here. ’ To Lawson, the signboards become metaphors for social labelling and cause him†¦ At suburban railway stations – you may see them as you pass – There are signboards on the platform saying ‘Wait here second class': And to me the whirr and thunder and the cluck of running gear Seems to be forever saying, saying ‘Second class wait here' – https://www. oppapers. com/join. php? join_type=free
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Analysis of Style and Response to Stephen Jay Gould
Analysis of Style and Response to Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Jay Gould was an American evolutionary biologist, paleontologist, and a historian of science. Gould has gained recognition as one of the most influential and vastly read writer in the area of the popular sciences, throughout his generation. The larger part of Gould’s career was spent working at the Museum of Natural History, and as a lecturer at the Harvard University.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Style and Response to Stephen Jay Gould specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gould’s highly recognized contribution to the field of science was the founding of the theory of punctuated equilibrium, which he cooperatively developed with Eldgeredge in the year 1972. The theoretical model proposes that major evolutionary phases, are characterized by extended periods of evolutionary constancy, which are briefly broken by the instances of branching evolutionary trends (Lowood). Gould is, perhaps, best recognized for the contributions he made to the evolutionary theories, history, and the philosophy of science. Gould is also recognized as the author of 300 successive essays for his monthly column, under the title, This View in Life, published in the Natural History Periodical. This author has also written 20 best-selling book titles, and scientific papers in the range of one thousand. From his work and publications, he received titles like the Medal of Edinburgh among others. This paper is an evaluative account of his writing endowment in the areas of his unique writing voice, his distinctive writing style, and the characteristic traits that identify his writing from all others. The paper will also analyze his style, in the area of argument structure, how he builds ideas to the reader through reason and citing support for his claims, as well how he clearly addresses his target audience through his writings (Natural History 48-57). It may not be much work to identify the writ ings of Gould, considering the fact that through his writings, he clearly depicts uniqueness in writing and a unique writing voice. In the area of his distinctive writing style and voice, it is highly explicit from his writings, that he uses a unique writing voice as a mode of creating plainness of content, and increasing the comprehension. Citing special reference to his work, The Median Isn’t The Message; the following writing voice and style are evidently explicit. First, it is clear that one of the strengths he shows through his writings is the usage of an active voice, as opposed to the usage of a passive voice (Dunn). One example of how he uses this voice in The Median Isn’t The Message is the quote, â€Å"many people make an unfortunate and invalid separation between heart and the mind.†Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gould’s w ritings are dominant with the usage of the active voice, as he seeks to avoid the negative effects of using the passive voice in scientific or logic-based writings. Some of the disadvantages of using a passive voice include the portrayal of ideas in an awkward manner, and the presentation of the expressed ideas in a mode that depicts them as vague and complex. Also, the usage of the passive voice makes the ideas being conveyed, to seem flat and not critical enough to engage the writer. Therefore, one of the identifying traits is the voice used in Gould’s writings (Gould 57). Yoon, in the May 20, 2002 New York Times, had this to say, â€Å"He employed a voice that was a successful combination of learned Harvard professor and baseball everyman,†clearly depicting the nature of Gould’s writing voice. In the area of diction, Gould uniquely uses a writing style that seeks to portray clarity and the distinctiveness of each word or the idea contained in a sentence. Thi s is evident from the quote: â€Å"Consider the standard example of stretching the truth with numbers, a case quite relevant to my story.†Here, he uses words which can substantially be considered as carefully chosen, to portray the idea that he seeks to express through the given sentence. Considering this strength of Gould’s writings, it is clear from his writings, that he carefully selects the words to use, as a way of putting the idea in question as clearly as he can. In this line of argument, Gould’s work is in agreement with (Fahnestock Secor 372), in that; he fully uses sources and references to support his claims, citing the thinking of intellectuals like Mark Twain. Gould is also a highly effective author, and his style is quite unique, considering that as, (Fahnestock Secor 327) argue, he takes reason into consideration, before making choices on the sources to use as support for his ideas. In the area of syntax, it’s clear from Gould’s w ritings, that he chooses the word order he employs carefully, as a way of ensuring that the ideas he is conveying are drawn-out in a clearly comprehensible manner. In the area of punctuation, Gould’s punctuation style is characteristically useful in the breaking of his sentences down, as he does this to improve the comprehensibility of the ideas he is conveying. This is evident from the quote, â€Å"the median, a different measure of central tendency, is the half-way point.†From the sentence, it is evident that Gould uses punctuation, mainly as a tool to enhance the comprehensibility of his works. From the quote, it is clear that he breaks down the different clauses, to show that one or two of the clauses are in support of, or explaining the previous ones (Natural History 48-57).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Style and Response to Stephen Jay Gould specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In ana lyzing the writing style of Gould, it is clearly evident from his writings, which Gould tries to catch the attention of the readers, and also engage them in the matter of discussion, which enhances his writing style. This is evident in The Median Isn’t The Message, where he seems to ask the reader questions during the course of the discussion. This, according to him, may have been a tactic he uses to capture the attention of the audience, as well as an attempt to get the reader to think about the subject of discussion. An example here is shown in the quote, â€Å"what does meridian mortality of eight months signify in our vernacular?†Then, he goes ahead to answer, â€Å"I suspect that most people without training in statistics would read such a statement as†This clearly shows that he seeks to involve the views, and to engage the thinking of the reader, as this can be of importance in arriving at a better understanding of the works (Natural History 48-57). Goul d unique writing style can also be attested to, by the dialogue in his literature. An example here is his questioning of his doctor, where he says, â€Å"what does he bet technical literature about mesothelioma?†, to which she replied that there was no literature worth reading in that field (Dunn). From reading The Median Isn’t The Message, it is clear that Gould’s presentation of ideas and arguments is fully unique, as he uses the available understanding and knowledge as the basis, upon which he builds newer ideas of understanding. In this case, his presentation of ideas is highly technical; as it clearly shows that he builds non-existent ideas, as well as ideas in opposition to the available ones. This, he does through the ingenious mode of building upon the available knowledge, towards creating a shift from the old ways of thinking and knowledge. In support of this line of thinking, Gould first explains on the area of mean and median, as a standard basis on w hich interpretations and judgments are done, fully agreeing with its reality and significance. However, he later challenges the standards of mean and median, as evaluative tools that do not vary, and tools that are full determinants of truth and meaning. Here, he goes further to argue that individuals have been nurtured into understanding mean and median, as functional tools that cannot be challenged, or as irreducible standards. However, he clearly demonstrates using his example, to show that if the median was the standard for the reality of measurements, then he would have been dead, as the medical figures regarding his health indicated. Further, he argues that despite the standard nature of the realities that humans are used to, these standards are also dependent on other premises, other than the ones documented already (Gould 2).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, he is simply trying to point out that the constructions of standards and realities are also in one way or the other, affected by other conditions and circumstances, and not just by the documented or standardized facts. From an evaluative perspective of the works of Gould, it is evident that he is building onto the already established realities and standards. However, he takes the perspective of supporting such standards as significant, though not accommodative of the other factors that come into play. Therefore, he bases new understanding and intended mind change on the audience, on the already established understanding and values, but in a pursuit to refute or modify the original ideals (Fahnestock 58). Being one highly esteemed and widely read author, Gould addresses the general public, though he targets specific groups in some of his works. It is clearly comprehensible that he targets the general public, from the diversity of the subjects addressed, especially, through the authorship of his essay papers. Through his writings, he communicates a range of subjects, including: communicating his enthusiasm and wonder, an account of his fight with cancer, and the problems encountered in statistics, citing examples from baseball. Through his works, he also addresses evolutionary perspectives and the misunderstanding and blunders resulting from the cross-consideration of religion, psychology, culture and sociology. He also authored provocative essays on areas like racism, creationism, and misogyny. Considering the varied nature of the literature works authored by Gould, it is only evident that his target audience is the general public. On the subject of whether he reaches the target audience, it is clear from the sensitivity of the subjects under discussion, that he clearly reached his audience, which can also be traced from the wide readership he received before and after his death. Gould’s literature worked for the audience he intended very well , which can be proved from the accomplishment he made, when he was appointed an assistant professor in 1967, which was due to his writing success (Gould 1). The accomplishment was fully realized, mainly because those years comprised an exciting time for evolutionary biology. His success in reaching the target group can be supported by the quote, â€Å"I intend my essays for professional and lay readers, alike an old tradition, by a way of scientific writing†¦and the passing of knowledge.†(Gould 58). Dunn, Steve. Prefatory Note by Steve Dunn. Cancer Guide, 31 May 2002. Web. Fahnestock, Jeanne, Secor Marie. A Rhetoric of Argument. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2003. 58, 327,372 Print. Gould, Stephen. â€Å"The Median Isnt the Message.†In Kelly, Joseph. The Seagull Reader. New York: W.W. Norton, 2008: 57-58. Print. Gould, Stephen. â€Å"The Economist.†The Economist Newspaper, 23 May 2002. Web.: 2 Gould, Stephen. The Median Isnt the Message. Cancer Guid e, 2002. Web.: 1 Lowood, Henry. Presidential Lectures: Stephen Jay Gould: Introduction. Welcome! Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia. Stanford University, 1998. Web.. Natural History. Natural History This View of Stephen Jay Gould 1999. The Unofficial Stephen Jay Gould Archive, 1999. Web.. Yoon, Carol. Stephen Jay Gould, Biologist and Theorist on Evolution, Dies at 60. The New York Times, 20 May 2002.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Yemen Nation Profile - Geography, Climate, and History
Yemen Nation Profile - Geography, Climate, and History The ancient nation of Yemen lies at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen has one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, with ties to the Semitic lands to its north, and to the cultures of the Horn of Africa, just across the Red Sea. According to legend, the Biblical Queen of Sheba, consort of King Solomon, was Yemeni. Yemen has been colonized at various times by other Arabs, Ethiopians, Persians, Ottoman Turks, and most recently, the British. Through 1989, North and South Yemen were separate nations. Today, however, they are united into the Republic of Yemen - Arabias only democratic republic. Capital and Major Cities of Yemen Capital: Sanaa, population 2.4 million Major Cities: Taizz, population 600,000 Al Hudaydah, 550,000 Aden, 510,000 Ibb, 225,000 Yemeni Government Yemen is the only republic on the Arabian Peninsula; its neighbors are kingdoms or emirates. The Yemeni executive branch consists of a president, a prime minister and a cabinet. The president is directly elected; he appoints the prime minister, with legislative approval. Yemen has a two-part legislature, with a 301-seat lower house, the House of Representatives, and a 111-seat upper house called the Shura Council. Prior to 1990, North and South Yemen had separate legal codes. The highest court is the Supreme Court in Sanaa. The current President (since 1990) is Ali Abdullah Saleh. Ali Muhammad Mujawar is Prime Minister. Population of Yemen Yemen is home to 23,833,000 people (2011 estimate). The overwhelming majority are ethnic Arabs, but 35% have some African blood as well. There are small minorities of Somalis, Ethiopians, Roma (Gypsies) and Europeans, as well as South Asians. Yemen has the highest birthrate in Arabia, at about 4.45 children per woman. This is probably attributable to early marriages (the marriageable age for girls under Yemeni law is 9), and lack of education for women. The literacy rate among women is only 30%, while 70% of men can read and write. Infant mortality is almost 60 per 1,000 live births. Languages of Yemen Yemens national language is standard Arabic, but there are several different regional dialects in common use. Southern variants of Arabic spoken in Yemen include Mehri, with about 70,000 speakers; Soqotri, spoken by 43,000 island residents; and Bathari, which has only about 200 surviving speakers in Yemen. In addition to the Arabic languages, some Yemeni tribes still speak other ancient Semitic languages closely related to the Ethiopian Amharic and Tigrinya languages. These languages are a remnant of the Sabean Empire (9th century BCE to 1st century BCE) and the Axumite Empire (4th century BCE to 1st century CE). Religion in Yemen The Constitution of Yemen states that Islam is the official state religion of the country, but it also guarantees freedom of religion. The majority by far of Yemenis are Muslim, with some 42-45% Zaydi Shias, and about 52-55% Shafi Sunnis. A tiny minority, some 3,000 people, are Ismaili Muslims. Yemen is also home to an indigenous population of Jews, now numbering only about 500. In the mid-20th century, thousands of Yemenite Jews moved to the new state of Israel. A handful each of Christians and Hindus also live in Yemen, although most are foreign ex-patriots or refugees. Geography of Yemen:Yemen has an area of 527,970 square kilometers, or 203,796 square miles, at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula. It borders Saudi Arabia to the north, Oman to the east, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Eastern, central and northern Yemen are desert areas, part of the Arabian Desert and Rub al Khali (Empty Quarter). Western Yemen is rugged and mountainous. The coast is fringed with sandy lowlands. Yemen also possesses a number of islands, many of which are actively volcanic. The highest point is the Jabal an Nabi Shuayb, at 3,760 m, or 12,336 feet. The lowest point is sea level. Climate of Yemen Despite its relatively small size, Yemen includes several different climate zones due to its coastal location and variety of elevations. Yearly average rainfall ranges from essentially none in the inland desert to 20-30 inches in the southern mountains. Temperatures also range widely. Winter lows in the mountains can approach freezing, while summer in the tropical western coastal areas can see temperatures as high as 129 ° F (54 °C). To make matters worse, the coast is also humid. Yemen has little arable land; only roughly 3% is suitable for crops. Less than 0.3% is under permanent crops. Yemen's Economy Yemen is the poorest nation in Arabia. As of 2003, 45% of the population was living below the poverty line. In part, this poverty stems from gender inequality; 30% of teenage girls between 15 and 19 are married with children, and most are undereducated. Another key is unemployment, which stands at 35%. The per capita GDP is only about $600 (2006 World Bank estimate). Yemen imports food, livestock, and machinery. It exports crude oil, qat, coffee, and seafood. The current spike in oil prices may help alleviate Yemens economic distress. The currency is the Yemeni rial. The exchange rate is $1 US 199.3 rials (July 2008). History of Yemen Ancient Yemen was a prosperous place; the Romans called it Arabia Felix, Happy Arabia. Yemens wealth was based on its trade in frankincense, myrrh, and spices. Many sought to control this rich land over the years. The earliest known rulers were the descendants of Qahtan (Joktan from the Bible and Koran). The Qahtanis (23rd c. to 8th c. BCE) established the crucial trade routes and built dams to control flash-flooding. The late Qahtani period also witnessed the emergence of written Arabic, and the reign of the legendary Queen Bilqis, sometimes identified as the Queen of Sheba, in the 9th c. BCE. The height of ancient Yemeni power and wealth came between the 8th c. BCE and 275 CE, when a number of small kingdoms coexisted within the countrys modern borders. These included the following: the western Kingdom of Saba, the southeastern Hadramaut Kingdom, the city-state of Awsan, the central trading hub of Qataban, the southwestern Kingdom of Himyar, and the northwestern Kingdom of Main. All of these kingdoms grew prosperous selling spices and incense all around the Mediterranean, to Abyssinia, and as far away as India. They also regularly launched wars against one another. This squabbling left Yemen vulnerable to manipulation and occupation by a foreign power: Ethiopias Aksumite Empire. Christian Aksum ruled Yemen from 520 to 570 A.D. Aksum was then pushed out by the Sassanids from Persia. Sassanid rule of Yemen lasted from 570 to 630 CE. In 628, the Persian satrap of Yemen, Badhan, converted to Islam. The Prophet Muhammad was still living when Yemen converted and became an Islamic province. Yemen followed the Four Rightly-guided Caliphs, the Umayyads, and the Abbasids. In the 9th century, many Yemenis accepted the teachings of Zayd ibn Ali, who founded a splinter Shia group. Others became Sunni, particularly in south and west Yemen. Yemen became known in the 14th century for a new crop, coffee. Yemeni Coffee arabica was exported all over the Mediterranean world. The Ottoman Turks ruled Yemen from 1538 to 1635 and returned to North Yemen between 1872 and 1918. Meanwhile, Britain ruled South Yemen as a protectorate from 1832 on. In the modern era, North Yemen was ruled by local kings until 1962, when a coup established the Yemen Arab Republic. Britain finally pulled out of South Yemen after a bloody struggle in 1967, and the Marxist Peoples Republic of South Yemen was founded. In May of 1990, Yemen reunified after relatively little strife.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Theory report-Archtecture History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Theory report-Archtecture History - Essay Example Toward this direction it is supported that urban design ‘is geographically limited in terms that it can be applied in ‘areas of a limited size, about half a mile (0.8 km) square’12. It should also be noticed that modern architecture is characterized by a plethora of innovative plans and ideas which all contribute to the development of the specific science throughout the years. As an example we could refer to the case of Archigram which published in 1961 and included a series of architectural plans of very simple form as designed by Cook, Webb and other architects that participated in the whole effort (Design Museum, 2007). Archigram has been a representative sample of modern architectural ideas despite the fact that its application is not achievable. Apart from Archigram, a series of trends have been developed in architecture which was furthermore supported by theories related with the plans involved. In this context, Utopia – a term that is used a lot in the description of specific social and cultural conditions – has been related with architecture. The plans that were developed under the influence of ‘Utopian’ city present many simi larities although there are also elements that are unique in each one of these plans. It should be noticed that the application of the theory of ‘Utopia’ in architecture is not recent. In fact there are many studies that refer to the particular issue highlighting the importance of ‘Utopia’ for the development of ‘unreal’ but pleasant conditions of life for citizens around the world. Current paper presents a personal proposal on Courthouse project using the theory of Utopia as developed in the area of architecture. The particular aspects of Utopia are presented in order to understand its application of architecture and its potential use in the future towards the development of viable urban plans. Moreover, a series of architectural plans related with Utopia has been used in order to
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